Jeremy Goldstein, Attorney in NYC, Teaches the World How to Be a Great Success — Company Leaders

Jeremy Goldstein
12 min readNov 30, 2020

New York attorney Jeremy Goldstein reached the pinnacle of his success when he opened his own law firm. Mr. Goldstein studied at Cornell University and earned his bachelor’s degree. He also earned a master’s degree from the University of Chicago. After he was awarded his Juris Doctor from New York University Law School, he was ready to move on to a glorious law career. Now that he finally has his own law firm, Jeremy L. Goldstein & Associates, his firm focuses on the needs of compensation committees, CEOs, management teams and corporations.

Why Confidence in Your Career Is Important for Success

Jeremy Goldstein believes that confidence is very important if you want to be successful in your career, but he is aware that it isn’t always easy for people to present themselves as if they are confident and sure of themselves. As a mentor, Mr. Goldstein helps young attorneys develop this confidence.

Because everyone isn’t as confident as they need be when they enter the workforce, it is fortunate for them that they can build it. Mr. Goldstein suggests that people take the following several steps to boost their confidence in their careers:

Mr. Goldstein knows what happens when you talk to someone who was once very unsure of himself in his work, and he found the discussion highly enlightening. He suggests that young lawyers find someone in their offices or somewhere else so that they can tell them all about the problems they are facing. Older attorneys have been where these new lawyers are now, so the experienced lawyers will undoubtedly have valuable advice to offer. For example, along with learning what they should do to increase their confidence, they will also learn what they should not do.

If you can’t find a mentor in your profession, Mr. Goldstein advises people to find a family member or a close friend. Although these people may not be in your profession, they will be able to listen to your troubles and offer useful advice.

A highly useful thing to do is develop as many skills as possible. This will be immensely helpful in increasing your confidence. Increasing your skills or further developing one particular skill will cause you to be more competent in your current role, and increased competence also increases your confidence.

Mr. Goldstein believes that attending professional development trainings is a very positive thing to do. You can take a class or attend a seminar, but you can also study on your own by reading books and journals that can increase your qualifications.

Jeremy Goldstein sincerely believes that you aren’t going to build your confidence unless you break old habits that aren’t good for you. It seems that people lack confidence because they aren’t sure of what they want. Mr. Goldstein suggests that people need to have a clear vision of what they hope to accomplish in their jobs. When they have this, they can act confidently. If you have confidence, you can create the best plan.

According to Mr. Goldstein, the best way to create the best plan is to look at the problem from behind. If you start at the end, you can break the actions that you need to take to get to the end into steps that you can easily execute. Imagine yourself as you compete each step. It will appear as if you have already done it, and this increases your confidence.

Your career is just one part of who you are. Mr. Goldstein says that you need to have other sources that form your identity. If your career is the only place where you can be fulfilled, the smallest amount of doubt or lack of confidence can be devastating.

To avoid this, Mr. Goldstein suggests that you find a hobby or an interest that is entirely outside of your professional life. It can be anything, including becoming a painter, playing a sport, becoming a community volunteer or just spending time with friends and family. According to Mr. Goldstein, the key to having confidence in your career is to also have something outside of your career that gives you confidence.

It doesn’t matter if you believe that you don’t have time for a hobby. Mr. Goldstein believes that you must take part in it at least once a week, but he recommends that people spend time each day participating in the hobby.

Jeremy Goldstein says that it is easy to make mistakes when you are setting out to improve something or setting new goals. The important thing is not to run from these mistakes because you need to examine them closely so that you can learn from them. Mr. Goldstein is aware that failing is difficult, but if you fail, you have a chance to do it right the next time.

How Confidence Can Help You Be More Productive at Work

Jeremy Goldstein also knows something about how to be more productive at work. He advises people that the confidence he helped you create in the first part of this article also makes it possible for you to be more productive in the workplace. Then, you will be prepared to do the following:

If you do the easy things first, Mr. Goldstein says that it will seem as if your job becomes harder with each passing minute. It may even be more difficult to work on the easier tasks if you do them first because you will be worrying about the huge project that you will eventually have to tackle. We also know that people are more productive first thing in the morning, so it is naturally the best time to take on a harder project.

With a difficult task, you are likely to experience greater joy because you will have a greater sense of accomplishment as you see your mountain slowly become a molehill. This energizes your soul while starting with the easier tasks first can cause you to experience despair.

Rather than interrupting your concentration, taking frequent breaks helps you improve it. The time when you need to exercise this suggestion is when you are working on your difficult tasks. Mr. Goldstein says that if you do this, your performance will remain at the same level throughout the day. If you work long hours without taking breaks, your performance will suffer. Working long hours also causes you to feel stressed and leads to exhaustion. This makes it impossible for you to be productive. As you take breaks, your creativity increases, your mood improves and so does your memory.

Multitasking was supposed to make us more productive, but it actually has the opposite effect. Mr. Goldstein explains that it takes people time to go from focusing on one task to another, and every time that we do this, this time adds up. It also exhausts us in a much shorter period of time because the neural resources used to switch gears are responsible for making us feel tired.

We also need to spend sufficient time on a task to be able to come up with creative solutions for it. If we keep switching from one task to another, we aren’t devoting enough time to one activity that can help us solve the problem. People also make a lot of mistakes when they keep moving in different directions.

Jeremy Goldstein suggests that people become “monotaskers” by staying off of social media websites and turning off their notifications. He advises people to set specific times throughout the day to do these things so that they are not always being interrupted by nonessential activities.

Stress doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing, and if you are managing the stress in your life, it can help you be productive. Mr. Goldstein says that stress can help you focus on your tasks and meet your daily goals. If you have an open-ended task, try setting a deadline for yourself. This will make you aware of the present time and the amount of time that you have to get a task done, but it will ensure that you finish the task within the given timeframe.

People are always booking meetings, but no one seems to enjoy them or get anything out of them. They also waste a lot of time. These meetings take people away from their jobs and make them less productive. Mr. Goldstein suggests that sending an email, making a phone call or holding a meeting over the internet might be more productive than scheduling another traditional meeting.

Mr. Goldstein believes that you need to start on a task whether you feel motivated to complete it or not. You may not be motivated because you are overwhelmed by the enormity of a task. People can feel so intimidated by the task that they shudder at the thought of getting started on it. The answer to this problem is not to focus on the motivation or the inspiration and then begin the task.

Mr. Goldstein says that people begin to feel motivated after they start working on a task, and they discover that the motivation they thought they needed in the beginning has suddenly appeared. The most productive people never wait until they feel motivated because they know that the motivation will always come.

You can plan your day, but things can occur that stop you from finishing the tasks that you planned to complete. You can always expect things to go wrong, but you can also acknowledge the fact that it may take you longer to complete your tasks than you thought that it would take. This is known as the “planning fallacy,” and it occurs because we aren’t allowing time for the unexpected events that happen throughout the day.

As an example, Mr. Goldstein suggests that we plan a meeting for the following week because that week doesn’t appear to be as busy as the present week. When the next week comes, we see that it looks as busy as the week before, but a productive person realizes that this will be the case. Therefore, Mr. Goldstein suggests that people plan for the unexpected events so they they can be incorporated into their plans without being too disruptive.

According to Mr. Goldstein, you aren’t going to be productive if you run out of energy. You can follow all of the advice that Mr. Goldstein gives you in this article, but it won’t help you be a more productive person if you aren’t taking time to recharge your batteries.

The most productive people take the time they need to take to rest. Mr. Goldstein says

that this means that you have to eat well, exercise daily and get enough sleep. When people begin to notice that they are having trouble concentrating on a task, it could be because they aren’t recharging the batteries. Mr. Goldstein advises people to take time to go out into the sunshine and get a little exercise. This contributes to healthy working habits as well.

When people succeed, they tend to stop worrying about how to make a process better and celebrate their accomplishments. Rather than do this, Mr. Goldstein advises people to analyze their successes and find out why the processes worked. Maybe, they can find things that they can eliminate that will make the processes even more productive.

When you analyze your successes, you can ensure that you continue to experience them. The processes also become intuitive, so they are even easier to do the next time you implement them.

How to Implement These Confidence and Productivity Tactics during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Many things have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic became a part of our lives, so it can be challenging to be productive while those changes are in place. Jeremy Goldstein offers the following ideas for how you can be productive during these unprecedented times:

Mr. Goldstein suggests that you create a schedule you are likely to follow. That means if you don’t like to get up early, don’t schedule anything for the morning hours. If you find that you are very tired at the end of the day, make sure that you do a better job spacing out your events. People are finding that it can be exhausting following the news about the disease, and they are becoming emotionally drained as well as physically drained. Mr. Goldstein says that people have the right to take moments for themselves when they feel they need to do so, and these are the times when they need to do so.

You have to be honest with yourself. The reason that you don’t want to complete a particular task is because you are emotionally and physically exhausted. Give yourself permission to leave the task for later. If the reason that you are not doing it is because you would rather be on social media, Mr. Goldstein suggests that you complete your task so that you can be as productive as you can be.

As we have seen above, people are emotionally drained, but Mr. Goldstein wants you to take care of your emotional side. It’s not always easy to work from home. According to Mr. Goldstein, working from home requires that you are disciplined enough to focus on your tasks, and this can be challenging even when we are not living through a pandemic. Jeremy Goldstein says that you can lower your stress levels at the same time that you increase your productivity by doing the following three things:

  • The first is taking care of yourself. If you are experiencing stress, it is very important that you take care of yourself. This means eating a healthy diet, getting enough rest and exercising, but it also means caring for ourselves emotionally and mentally.
  • The second is working intelligently. In this case, it is better to work smarter rather than harder. Therefore, the most important thing that you have to do in a day has to remain the most important thing that you do that day.
  • The third is to work within a structure. If you can create an effective routine in the beginning, your brain doesn’t have to work overtime while things are so uncertain.

Jeremy Goldstein suggests that you invest in the tools that make working from home possible. For example, Slack makes it easy for everyone to communicate, and when everyone needs to meet at once, Zoom provides you with videoconferencing. Asana allows you to manage your projects and track your tasks. By using these products, everyone has the chance to remain productive and succeed at the tasks that they have to perform.

Mr. Goldstein really believes in what software can allow you to do as you work from home. These tools will ensure that you remain productive if you choose the right ones and continue to use them. The best way to implement new technology into your office is to set aside about one hour to learn how to use the product. After that, the software will improve your productivity.

Your ROI is your “return on impact,” and it is how you are going to increase your productivity. Mr. Goldstein believes that the following three things are going to be what will help you do this:

  • Be Creative: Now that you aren’t taking as much time talking to people in person, you have more time to do things that you were saving for the day when you had more time. Now is that time, so you are free to learn that new program or implement that new system.
  • Be a Part of a Community: Remember to be a part of your community and help the people around you solve the problems that they are currently having. As you are showing them that you are concerned about them, they will be able to relax.
  • Be Connected to Others: We aren’t connecting nearly as much as we have been in the past, but you can still do it. It’s what the internet and social media platforms were created to help you do. It is a great way to keep in touch with your clientele and your customers.

Final Thoughts

In order to succeed in your business, lawyer Jeremy Goldstein believes that you have to be confident. Since this isn’t always easy for people, he offers several pieces of advice for how they can increase their confidence in the workplace.

As you experience success in the workplace, it will increase productivity as well as confidence. Because it isn’t always easy to build confidence so that you can increase your productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Goldstein also shares his thoughts on how you can build confidence and increase productivity at this time.

Jeremy Goldstein is exactly the person to ask when one needs to know how to be more productive because he developed a formula for ensuring that his days are always as productive as they can be. In his line of work, he is aware that his tasks can consume a lot of his time, but he makes sure that he is available 24 hours a day. For that reason, he makes a point of limiting the number of clients he can serve so that he can give everything he has to his clients.

Mr. Goldstein makes sure to mix business with pleasure as he sees his clients both inside and outside of the office. This helps him get to know every one of them on an intimate basis and makes it possible for him to offer them his very best advice, and that is exactly what he has done for us in this article.

Connect with Jeremy Goldstein on LinkedIn to learn more.

Originally published at on November 30, 2020.

